1. Science, Else, Tale, Luck (11)
2. Lenin, IV, Boom, Confinement (9)
3. Orb, Fortune, Cry + See (7+4)
4. Ape-like, Island, Beauty and the Beast (4+4)
5. Renault, Excalibur, Magic (8)
6. Enigma, Cat- Woman, Limestone (6)
7. Ear, Paro, Island (4+3)
8. Mollusc, Submarine (8)
9. Gore, Epi, Children, Huxley (12)
10. Female, River, Shopping (6)
11. Quartz, Head, Dr. Walton (7+5)
12. Hybrid, Song, Mariners (7)
13. Kaiju, First (8)
14. Magic, Doll, Haiti (6)
15. Ship, Sky, Nazi (6)
16. Wreck, Weed, Ocean (8+3)
17. Snow, Anthropoid, Footmark (4)
18. Iran, Star, Stable (5+4+3)
19. Alphonsus, Air, Psychic power (10)
20. Trance, Undead, Brains (6)
21. Canid, Anthropoid, Luna (8)
22. Craft, Stars, Identify (6+6)
23. Series, Dusk, Sunset (8+4)
24. Boom, Siberia, River (8+5)
25. 51.4, N-E-W-S, 3-4-5, Monarch (7+2+6)
26. B-Dog, Mask, Knowlege, Bamako (5+6)
27. Stranger, Copy, Bad Luck (12)
28. Z, Roswell, Anthropoid (4+5)
29. Snakes, Wings, Stone (6)
30. Suit, Malibu, Agents (3+2+5)
31. Town, Desert, Lines (5)
32. Dr., Lightning, Monster (12)
33. Nymph, Hybrid, Flute (3)
34. Cataclysm, Celestial, 10 (6)
35. Tell, Gathering, End, N-S (10)
36. Cosmonaut, Iraq, Deity (8)
37. Wheel, Satan, SS (5+3)
38. Fiber, Pruritus, Delusion (10)
39. Fungi, Magic, Transire (10)
40. Alignement, Energy, Neolithic, Apophenia (3+4)
41. Friday, Cardinal, 31, Jew (8)
42. Ship, Doom, Ghost, DEIC (6+8)
43. Tom Thumb, Alchemy, Paracelsus, Scale (10)
44. Atlantis, Continent, Pacific (2)
45. Passages, Paths, Ear, Hybrid (9)
46. Pio, Bosco, Anthony, Xavier, 2 (10)
47. Pillar, Figures, Indian, Carvings (5+4)
48. Cherubim, Eden, (Un)Forbidden, Undying (4+2+4)
49. (God or Deity)+O+Him (6)
50. Oak, Rank, Priest, Gael (5)
51. Payment, Knowledge, Well, One, Nordic (5+3)
52. Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, Excalibur, Femme (4+2+3+4)
53. Island, Indian, 1/12, 5000 (8)
54. Big water, Mexico, Egyptian, City-state (8)
55. Arcanum - (3+13) (2)
56. Cocta, Humans, Animals, Vehicles, Mausoleum, 1st (10+4)
57. Death, Ear, Free, Inter, Peace, Wrath, Book (7+4+2+3+4)
58. Palace, Purple, Capital, 10*M-I (9+4)
59. Perception, Limit, Commercial, Cola, Blind (10+9)
60. Small, Orc, Prank, Bank (6)
61. Hole, Planet, Home, Halley (6+5)
62. Wunderkind, Austria, Requiem, Mary (9)
63. Apparition, Sound, Noise, Building (7+5)
64. Icke, Control, Anthropoid, Conspiracy (9+8)
65. Soul, Valkyrie, Grim Reaper (10)