Number in parenthesis represents the number of letters (or numbers in rare occasions) in a solution. Search engines can sometimes help you but if you want to reach very high scores, you will need to use something much more powerful - your brain.
Find the logic behind each item and you will find what the question is. Very rarely knowledge of basic math operations is needed. You will find very similar logics in my Tantrum test - make sure you read the answer explanations very carefully.
Do not spend less than 10 hours divided into several solving sessions. Solve my tests only when fully rested, motivated and without distractions.
High IQ Test takers are very competitive. Make sure you do not lose points on easy questions because of a loose approach to the test. Someone somewhere is working really hard on the test you are solving right now.
Very serious to most of us. We invest lots of our free time and energy. That is why we hate cheaters. Do not be one of them. All those who cheat (discuss solutions, fish for solutions or share solutions) will be publicly named in High IQ forums and groups. If you cheat, you will be banned forever from taking tests, your test scores will be removed from ranking lists and you will be thrown out of High IQ Societies. Someone even may inform your boss, your family and friends about what you did...
Your test score is final and there will be no discussion about your test score after you receive your results.